September 11, 2023

Location: Distillery 244, 244 N. Mosley, Wichita

Time: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. (doors open at 8:00 a.m.)

Lunch and snacks provided for each registrant.

Pat Little, DDS, FAGD
AM: Anatomy of a DSO – Will Private Practice Survive?
PM: DENTISTS/SPOUSE ONLY!! A Secret Pay Raise: How Embezzlers Think and Act

Total CEs: 6 credit hours

As a dentist and accountant, Dr. Pat Little brings a unique blend of skill and experience to his presentations focusing on financial and data risk management. He integrates his accounting and business education with over thirty years of varying dental experiences, including starting two private practices from “scratch.” After leaving clinical practice due to disability, Dr. Little returned to college to complete his accounting and general business education. Through Prosperident, Dr. Little conducts embezzlement examinations and advises dentists in matters related to fraud and embezzlement. While Dr. Little was raised and practiced dentistry in Georgia, he now resides with his family in Wesley Chapel, Florida. Away from the office, he enjoys presenting dental education courses nationwide and maintaining his high golf handicap!

AM Course Description:

DSO growth has intensified, and many dentists in private practice fear they might lose their independence. While the various DSO models can benefit certain patients and dentists, the future of private practice is still bright for the dentists who are willing to invest in and plan their careers and eventual transition options. This course discusses the strengths and challenges of the various DSO and private practice models and demonstrates how private practices can grow and flourish in the new DSO environment.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the various DSO models and their growth strategies
  • Learn the advantages and disadvantages of DSO’s vs. private practice
  • Explore the types of private practice entities and the challenges each one faces
  • Learn strategies to generate financial success through private practice ownership

PM Course Description:

While the majority of dental teams are loyal and honest, it only takes one desperate individual to financially ruin a dental practice. Traditional internal control strategies are useful and important, but they have limitations and may not be as effective as doctors think. Many doctors fail to discover fraud and embezzlement until significant damage has occurred. Learn how to mitigate damages by recognizing important warning signs associated with embezzlement and by understanding the characteristics and behaviors of an embezzler. It is important to realize that embezzlers think like criminals and do not follow our rules. Dr. Little teaches through actual case studies that he has personally investigated to provide visual images of how embezzlers think.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the profile of a typical embezzler
  • Understand what leads to embezzlement in dental offices
  • Analyze the strengths and limits of internal controls strategies
  • Learn additional actions that need to be taken beyond internal controls
  • Identify red flag behaviors that are often associated with embezzlement

Because specific fraud methodologies are openly discussed and demonstrated, this presentation is appropriate for dentists, their spouses and dental students only.

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